Meet the Members of Forward Devils Lake
30 Aug 2021
CHI Mercy Hospital and Nordic Fiberglass are two of the Platinum Level Members of Forward Devils Lake. They aren't alone! Forward Devils Lake is an organization dedicated to promoting and sustaining companies in the Devils Lake, ND, area. One major way this is accomplished is by utilizing the funds given to the organization by our generous investment members!
Forward Devils Lake members have four tiers to choose from including Platinum ($1,000), Gold ($500), Silver ($250), and Individual ($50). Benefits of companies investing in Forward Devils Lake include business referrals being linked in our website, discounts, and more! Each level has several great companies that are investing in the Devils Lake area! Learn more about our members including Bremer Bank, Leevers Foods, Devils Lake Glass & Paint, Montana-Dakota Utilities, Minnkota Power Cooperative, and so many more! Click here to learn more about the members of Forward Devils Lake!
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