Devils Lake is an oasis for outdoor recreation!
22 Jul 2022
It’s Park and Recreation Month - the perfect time to get outside and enjoy all that Devils Lake, North Dakota has to offer! Ample recreation options make Devils Lake an incredible place for families, businesses, and outdoor adventurers.
Why We Celebrate Park & Recreation Month
As economic developers, we understand the vital role parks and recreation play in our community. They are essential for local residents to have a high quality of life and for new families looking for a place to live. With tourism being an economic driver, parks and recreation help increase tourism by opening themselves to sporting events, concerts, and other outings. When visitors come as event spectators and concertgoers, they often spend money at local restaurants, gas stations, and brick-and-mortar stores. Yes, parks and recreation benefit residents and visitors alike.
This year, we are honoring parks and recreation employees and staff, from volunteers to full-time to government employees sitting in offices year-round. “The services that park and recreation professionals provide are vital for our communities - from protecting open space and natural resources to helping fight obesity and providing activities and resources for all people.” - National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)
The Perch Capital of the world - Devils Lake
Devils Lake is the largest natural body of water in North Dakota. Covering more than 160,000 acres it has hundreds of miles of shoreline and has been ranked as one of the top five fishing lakes in the US.
This very fertile prairie lake grows large numbers of Walleye, Northern Pike, and White Bass, and it has earned the reputation of being the “Perch Capital of the World”. Perch weighing more than two pounds are caught quite frequently.
In the fall hundreds of thousands of waterfowl migrate through the area and give both local and visiting hunters outstanding hunting opportunities.
Whether you are a resident or visitor, Devils Lake has outdoor adventures waiting for you. Below is a short list of activities that can be so much fun in the outdoors.
Hiking: The Devils Lake Region is one of the best areas to take a hike. White Horse Hill offers wildlife, hiking trails, and an overlook that has a breathless view of the hill and the lake. Grahams Island State Park also offers walking trails with beautiful scenery. If you are looking for a walk in town, Roosevelt Park offers a great walking/bike path. Stop along the path for a game of frisbee golf.
Hunting and fishing: Are you a fishing enthusiast? The Devils Lake area is a popular hunting and fishing spot, with the fishing season open year round. There are lots of fishing locations, and some spots like Creel Bay, Stump Lake Park Landing, and Spirit Lake Casino are good locations for fun activities. Channel A, Pike playground and Fishing Pier, Henegar Landing, and Lakewood Beach are shore fishing piers. Sullys Hill National Game Preserve, about 10 miles (16 km) southwest, holds an annual birding and nature festival. The Spirit Lake Sioux reservation is to the south across the lake. Nearby are Grahams Island State Park and Shelvers Grove and Black Tiger Bay state recreation areas. Fort Totten State Historic Site is a well-preserved military outpost dating from 1867. Local artifacts are displayed at the Lake Region Heritage Center. The International Peace Garden, on the U.S.-Canadian border, is about 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Devils Lake.
Skiing: The Lake Region offers a couple of different areas for Cross Country Ski trails. Grahams Island State Park offers groomed trails starting at the Sivert Center. Just make sure to stop by the office and grab your day pass if you don’t have a yearly ND State Park Pass. Creel Bay Golf Course also offers trails during the winter months and is free to use.
Get Outside and Bring a Friend
We encourage you to get outside, explore, do something new and bring a friend along. Devils Lake has a lot to offer and our parks and recreation department does an excellent job at providing opportunities for community members to enjoy themselves. Still, not everyone takes advantage of these opportunities. Share this article and tell a friend about all of the great things there are to do in our community. The fun will never leave you when you are in Devils Lake!
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